Christmas Party, December Match, Election and More!

December Match Information:  We will have our monthly match next Saturday, December 5th – our annual Christmas party.  We will start in the morning at the regular time with a 4-stage Wild Bunch match (Cowboys can shoot for practice, if they want).  Registration for the afternoon 6-stage Cowboy match will open about 11:00.  We are planning to be hammers down by 12:30.  Plan on eating ahead or bring something with you for lunch because we will not be serving lunch this month.  We will shoot six stages – 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 8.   The targets have been moved and rearranged.  Phantom’s team is trying out some different shooting positions and approaches this month.  Be sure and look for the Green Texas Christmas tree on Stage 5.

Christmas Party:  Our Christmas Party will begin when the shooting is done, probably sometime between 5:30 and 6 pm.  Dinner will include pork and beef ribs, homemade beans and potatoes, cornbread and more.  Cost is $15.  Please bring an appropriate gift valued between $10 and $25.  We know the food and camaraderie will be great; the gift giving and getting should also be lots of fun.  To be sure there is plenty of food, please email Delta Raider to let him know if you will be staying for dinner.

Elections:  At the match, we will be electing a President and Secretary for two-year terms to begin on January 1, 2016.  Dragon Hill Dave is running for reelection and is the only announced candidate for President.  General Burleson has agreed to be our new Scoring Marshal (he still needs some deputies) and Bolo Bob has agreed to take over duties as our Web Marshal.  A big thanks to both!!  No one has indicated an interest in running for Secretary.  With General Burleson and Bolo Bob stepping up to help, Long Juan has agreed to run again for Secretary.  If anyone else want to run, please let Long Juan know so your name can be on the ballot instead of his.

Dues and Waivers:  Annual memberships expire in December.  Dues for 2016 can be paid and new waiver forms can be turned in during registration for the December match or at any match thereafter.  Remember that dues are prorated only for new members, so there is no reason to wait.  To make things easier for everyone, a copy of the 2016 wavier/application form is attached so you can print it, fill it out and bring it with you.  Please be sure to print legibly, especially your alias and email address.  We also would like to be sure we have a current emergency contact for everyone.


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