Monthly Match. Our October monthly match will be Saturday, October 3rd. Registration will open about 7:45 a.m. and will close at 8:30 a.m. to form posses. Late arrivals will be registered and assigned to posses at approximately 8:40. Shooters meeting at 8:45; hammers down at 9:00 a.m. We will be shooting six stages 1-5 and 7. Summer rules for attire are no longer in effect. SASS costuming rules apply to all. Lunch will be served in the pavilion following the match. Please RSVP for lunch, if you have not already and plan to eat with us.
Vote on Bylaws Amendment. President Dragon Hill Dave has announced that members of the Plum Creek Shooting Society will vote on proposed amendments to the club bylaws at our monthly match in November instead of at the October match. These amendments were adopted in December 2014. A question has been raised about notice of the proposed amendments prior to that vote. We are accordingly voting again. The Board urges all members to vote in favor of the proposed amendments under which we have been operating for the past year. Click here to download a copy of the proposed amendments.
Announcements about the Future. Our annual match – Battle of Plum Creek, next year will be the first weekend in May (May 5-8). Our annual Christmas Party match this year will be Saturday, 12/5. We will serve a special Thanksgiving lunch at our November match. Please let us know at the October match if you will be eating with us in November.