March 2017 Scores

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25 stalwart souls braved the rain and came out to shoot today. We lucked out for the most part with the rain holding off enough to let both posses shoot the open area stages at 8 and 9 where we started. But by the time we got to the last few covered stages the rain was coming down pretty hard. As it happens, the rain fit nicely with the weather themed stages. When we were saying “I like the rain.” to start the stage, it was raining outside the stage.

Our overall winner was Two Spurs, followed closely by Alamo Andy, with Sunny Spurs as our top Lady with Six Goin’ South not far behind. We had one clean shooter, Alamo Andy. Big thanks to General Burleson, who came out to set us up and then headed back to his wife’s side; Lefty Leo and Fuzzy One who helped get everyone checked in and then had to go elsewhere, and Artiman who hung with us all day despite not shooting.

Lightning McQueen came out for the first time since October, and Hoss Roonwright, Verdadero Dan and Texas Stiles drove up from south Texas to join us. It was good to see all of them again. Another thanks to Hoss Roonwright who donated some trashbags to the club. We will make good use of those. And we were pleasantly surprised by a visit from Bronco Birnbaum who, despite his health issues, wanted to come out and see his cowboy friends. [or maybe he just wanted to see who was crazy enough to try to shoot in the rain.] Thanks to Circuit Judge and Kettleman for helping him accomplish that.

All the posse members did great in keeping the posses moving so we could get the shoot in despite the rain. We did have one “cow intermission” while Ramon wrangled the longhorns away from the firing line, but we moved quickly after that to get under cover when the rain started in earnest. Thanks to all the posse members who helped break down the stages, but especially to Two Spurs, Manchaca Kid and Kit Carson who all worked hard after the shooting stopped to assure we had the range cleaned up and put away.

Next month our shoot will be on April 1, April Fool’s Day. With absolutely no basis for it [other than we are due and we seem to reasonably lucky with the weather], I am predicting really good weather for that shoot. It will also be a good time to prep for the Texas State Championship the next weekend in Fredericksburg. So get us on your calendar and come out and shoot with us next month. Hope we will . . .

See ya’ at the Agarita!

Dragon Hill Dave      Aka David Donaldson


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