January Match

Monthly Match.  We will be shooting next weekend, Saturday, January 2nd.  Registration will open about 7:45.  We will shoot 6 stages: 1-5 plus 7.  Report is that Phantom has written some great stages for us to shoot.  Look forward to seeing all of you.

Lunch.  Lunch will be served after the match.  Be sure to send Long Juan an email if you plan to stay and eat with us.  Hope you will.

Waiver Forms.  Don’t forget it’s a new year.  If you have not completed and turned in a 2016 waiver, please do so at the next match you shoot.  Copy of the form can be downloaded from the Downloads page so you can print and fill it out in advance.

Dues.  It’s also time to pay dues.  Remember, if you were a member in 2015, there is no reason to wait to pay your dues.  Only dues for new members are prorated for the number of months left in the year.  Dues remain the same for 2016 – $36 for an individual, $60 for a family (living under the same roof) and $225 for a life membership.  Dues support club expenses and get you a $5 discount on the monthly match fee.   We hope all of our regular shooters will remain or become members of the Plum Creek Shooting Society.


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