Long Juan here! We will shoot our first match of 2014 this coming Saturday.
Wild Bunch Match – Hammers down 9:00; registration open 8:00. 4 stages (6-9)
Main Match – Hammers down 1:30; registration open 11:30. Turn in 2014 waivers, pay dues, pick up calendars if ordered, pick up ballot and vote if not already. 5 stages (1-5) and posse group shoot on Stage 10 as the sixth stage for all posses. Posse with quickest time wins prize. Bring rifle, pistol, shotgun ammo for 5 stages and an extra 10 rounds of rifle ammo for the posse shoot.
Silent Auction and Cowboy Yard Sale – All afternoon and into the early evening. Auction proceeds go to the club. Sale proceeds go to the seller, but donations to the club are encouraged. Auction and sale should be particularly good place for new shooters to pick up wanted/needed gear.
Black Powder Stage. Bring those cap and ball and/or other black powder firearms. We will shoot a stage for fun right after dark. Stage 9.
Costume Contest. Awards for Best Dressed Cowboy, Best Dressed Cowgirl, Best Dressed Couple and Best Dressed Military (man or woman).
Dinner. Dinner will be served. Be sure you have sent RSVP so we will be sure to have enough food.
Hope to see everyone Saturday.