March Match. We will shoot our monthly match for the month of March on Saturday, March 5, 2016. Registration should open about 7:45 a.m. and will close at 8:30 to finish putting the posses together. If you want to shoot together, particularly if it is a large group, please plan to show up early. By 8:30, we pretty much have the posses put together. It is not fair to those who came early to move them to accommodate a large group that shows up late. Anyone arriving after 8:30 will be placed on a posse with space. Please send me an email if you plan to stay for lunch (Lucky, I have you for 3 already).
Battle of Plum Creek 2016. This is the LAST chance to take advantage of the $10 early registration discount. Anyone wanting the discount must have his/her entry form and payment in the mail (postmarked) by tomorrow (2/29). We are now working on badges and awards and need to know how many and who will be shooting. Please register as soon as you can, even if you do not get it in the mail by tomorrow. We need volunteers to help with side matches, parking, banquet, etc. We also need sponsors. $200 for a stage sponsorship, $100 for a supporting sponsor with a sign on the range. Many cannot come help at the range until the match, but a sponsorship or donation (in any amount) would really help. Thanks in advance. Please email Match Director Dragon Hill Dave is you are willing to volunteer and/or be a sponsor or make a donation.
Texas State 2017. The Board is considering whether to apply to host the SASS Texas State Championship again in 2017. We would like feedback from our members and non-member frequent shooters. Good idea? Are you willing to help? There is lots of work and we cannot do it without even more help than we’ve had in the past. Please send your thoughts to Dragon Hill Dave at his email address above. Thanks
Thunder River Renegades. Oklahoma Dee has asked for our input on a possible change of shooting weekends for the Thunder River Renegades. Their range is near Magnolia, about 2 hours east of Austin. They now shoot on the first weekend of each month, i.e., the same weekend we shoot. Their shooters would like to shoot with us more often and would like for some of us to come shoot with them from time-to-time. They are thinking of changing their monthly match to the 4th weekend to accomplish that purpose. I have advised them that the Green Mountain Regulators the 4th weekend and I therefore doubt many of us would shoot at Thunder River that weekend very often. They would, nevertheless, like feedback from our members and frequent shooters. How many of you would give Thunder River a try if they shot on the fourth weekend instead of the first weekend each month? Please send me an email so I can provide Oklahoma Dee with feedback that will help them with their decision.
(Just a thought – We should schedule to meet at Darby Rough Regulators on the 2nd Sat of the month. Bolo Bob)
Scorekeepers. Last month the scores for one posse were so sloppy mistakes were made entering scores. If you want your Scoring Marshal to be accurate when the scores are compiled, you need to write legibly. If he cannot read the score, the shooter is likely to receive the highest score what is written MIGHT be. Thanks
For Sale. Lucky Nickel has an 1866 Yellow Boy Carbine for sale. 98%. He is bringing it to the match next Saturday. See him during registration if interested. Asking $975. Cash only.