We had a good turn-out of 46 for yesterday’s shoot. Too bad the cool front did not come through until after the shoot, but the weather was not too bad. Scores are posted here. Congratulations to our top ten shooters: Phantom, Joe Darter, Skyhawk Hans, Bison Jim, Lefty Rhodes, Dutch Van Horn, Hopalong Herbert, Frank Longshot, Whiskey Kid and Lincoln Drifter. Category winners included: Cody Dixon Lever, Lucky Nickel; Cody Dixon Single, Will Johnson; Elder Statesman, Bison Jim; Senior, Dutch Van Horn; Silver Senior, Skyhawk Hans; Senior Duelist, Lars Chrisopherson; Frontier Cartridge Duelist, Bronco Birnbaum; Duelist, Circuit Judge; 49’r, Phantom; and Wrangler, Joe Darter. Abilene, Bison Jim, El Sabre, Gold Dog, Lars Christopherson and Lincoln Drifter all shot the match clean. New-to-us shooters included: Deadly Michael, Slick and Creek Johnson. Hope to see everyone again and more for our next monthly shoot on November 2nd.
A reminder to all who are members of the Plum Creek Shooting Society. We will have a club meeting after our November shoot, just before our Thanksgiving feast. Guests are welcome to attend the meeting and are encouraged to join us for lunch. Watch the website for match and meeting details soon.