We had 79 shooters who shot in 29 different shooter categories on 5 posses at the match yesterday. Great turn-out! By my count, we had 10 first-timers, 4 of whom signed up to become club members. With other members who paid their 2014 dues yesterday or recently, that means we now have 112 members of the Plum Creek Shooting Society for 2014. Way to go! Four shooters took advantage of our two newest categories; 2 in Working Cowboy/Cowgirl and 2 in Wild Agarita. The former category shoots one pistol and a rifle; the latter shoots a 1911 with one reload instead of two cowboy pistols. Fun!! Congratulations to our top ten finishers, category winners and clean shooters. Complete scores for the match can be viewed here.
The match was followed by lunch and a club meeting. After the club meeting, the board met to discuss preparation for the 2015 SASS Texas State Championship next May. There was lots of discussion during the club meeting focused on the need for lots of volunteers both before and during the big match AND to prepare for each monthly match. At the board meeting, Delta Raider was selected to be our Match Director; Dragon Hill Dave and Agarita Annie were selected to be Deputy Match Directors for Operations and Administration, respectively. We are working on a budget for the match and will be in touch about how you can help soon. In the meantime, registration forms, a preliminary schedule of events and an information sheet can be downloaded here.