There will be a meeting of the Plum Creek Shooting Society after our monthly match on November 2nd. Club officers will present a State of the Club report, which will include your officers’ vision for the future, plans for the Battle of Plum Creek (annual match next May), results of the recent membership survey and plans to offer the opportunity to shoot on the Sunday after our regular monthly match. It will also be a chance for members to ask questions and to provide input as to what we are doing right and what we might be doing wrong. We hope all of our members will plan to attend. Other shooters are welcome to attend and participate in discussions, but of course cannot vote on any decisions that require a vote.
In December we will hold our annual election of officers. Positions being elected this year are President, Vice President and Secretary. Our Treasurer, True Blue Cachoo, is in the first year of a two-year term. Other Board members are the Range Marshal, an ex officio position held by the owner of the Agarita Ranch (Delta Raider) and Territorial Governor, a position appointed by the Board and currently held by Jake Paladin. The election will be held during our meeting just prior to our regular monthly match on December 7th. Remember that our by-laws require nominations to be sent to the club Secretary, Long Juan, at least 10 days prior to the election. The deadline is November 28th. Remember also that our regular cowboy match (5 stages) in December will be hammers down at 1:30, to be followed by our annual Christmas party and dinner. There will be Wild Bunch match (4 stages) hammers down at 9 a.m. that morning. Hope to see everyone there.